Keep Calm & Take a Staycation

Families reject two week holidays for shorter 'staycations around UK'




Brits are opting for Cornwall, Devon and the Lake District over trips abroad for their summer vacation

Britons are turning their backs on the traditional two-week holiday, it has been claimed.

According to a new survey more and more of us are instead opting for mini breaks throughout the year rather than the old-fashioned fortnight away.

The traditional long summer holiday used to be as much a part of the British summer as fish and chips on the promenade and donkey rides on the beach.

But key findings from the 2015 Travelodge Holiday Index has revealed the number of Britons taking a two-week holiday has decreased by 46% over the last five years.

Instead British holiday makers are opting for a one-week holiday with four shorter breaks spread out throughout the year.

The report which surveyed 3,000 British adults about their holiday plans for 2015 has revealed that this year 70% of Britons are planning a staycation break, with less than one in five (19%) taking a two-week holiday which is down from 35% in 2011.

The study also found that Britons will be spending significantly more this year compared to the last five years on their UK holiday - giving the UK economy a welcome boost of £16.5 billion.

The report has also highlighted that the UK’s top staycationers are in Wolverhampton, with 87% of people there taking a break in the UK.

The other cities making up the top five are Coventry, Newcastle, Edinburgh and Norwich.

Shakila Ahmed, Travelodge Spokeswoman said: “We have become a nation of value seekers post-recession and in order to get the maximum benefit from our holiday entitlement we are using our allowance in bursts throughout the year rather than all in one go, as short breaks make us happier than one long holiday.

Psychologist Corinne Sweet said: “It’s not surprising that Britons are taking more short staycation breaks, as they are an invaluable ‘de-stresscation’.

“We are under more pressure in our busy 24/7 lives, due to work, family, economic and other pressures, so quick breaks offer an instant recharge.

“This is important, both psychologically and physically, as ‘running on empty’ all year can lead to chronic exhaustion and stress.”

Top 10 staycation destinations

1 Cornwall

2 Devon

3 Lake District

4 London

5 Blackpool

6 Edinburgh

7 Yorkshire Dales

8 Brighton

9 York

10 Scottish Highlands

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